I would have to thank my personal Jesus, Ed Sloman...who has long supplied me with crack...I mean Magic:The Gathering
And surprisingly good company at his game-store establishment.
It's not everyday I can find someone I can comfortably talk about the decline of industrial music and the genius of Genesis P Orridge (GPO - see pic).
From his note in facebook, I have followed suit. And as I found myself actually superficially creating the list I made, (which I will share below) something happened.
As GPO would describe it, my colors shifted and changed the frequency at which it vibrates, to where I began to prismatically explore my connections, no longer a bifurcation, or decision tree...this is living music. This annal is mine, I own it and owe it to musicians and artists everywhere. You're imprint in time has shaped me, as have friends, family and lovers.
It's not just sense-to memory connection, this is philosophy, this is...well? I dunno, profound I suppose. Better than any drug...possibly better than any philosphy. It's beyond nostalgia and goes to the fundamental core of who I am? Perhaps with some interpretation and later mulling.
I've heard people can be satisfied with one album...perhaps their particles do not have to vibrate as much as mine. For me it is not the case...but to use that one album as a metaphor, much like life, it should show a progression from song to song. Well, progression may be the wrong word, because progression doesn't necessarily mean moving "forward"in life. After all we have setbacks. Rather the profudnity is that as long as I remain in this dimension forever is this linear motion of time my master, and the striving I do, the aspects of living, the metabolisms and my will...they are mine to own...all except time.
Thanks music! And thanks to my wife for showing me that love exists...that's pretty profound to...and now, the list of 20...only 20 and yet 100 could be listed. These are it though! These shall summarize a biography of a mere 27 years. I can't wait for the next 27.
1-20 earliest to latest, in strict, chronological order (organized Artist - Album)
1. White Zombie - La Sexorcisto
2. Pearl Jam - Ten
3. The Prodigy - Music for the Jilted Generation
4. Daft Punk - Homework
5. Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album
6. Autechre - Tri Repitae
7. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
8. Skinny Puppy - Rabies
9. Mean Beat Manifesto - Actual Sounds and Voices
10. Godspeed You Black Emperor - F♯A♯∞
11. Animal Collective - Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
(for the longest time...it was just this black CD I found on the floor of the radio station at UMBC, I had no idea who this was for a few years...)
12. The Cure - Pornography
13. Slowdive - Just for a Day (lost it i think)
14. Prurient - The History of Aids CD
15. Pansonic - Kesto
16. The Mountain Goats - All Hail West Texas
17. Arcade Fire - Funeral
18. Sigur Ros - Aegis Byrunti
(Met my wife around this time...she got me to really listen to sigur ros)
19. Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over the Sea
20. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
After which I listened to Led Zepplin's "Physical Graffitti" and was blown away...wow!
Also Muslimgauze - Farouk Ejineer must fit in there somewhere!?
1. White Zombie - La Sexorcisto
2. Pearl Jam - Ten
3. The Prodigy - Music for the Jilted Generation
4. Daft Punk - Homework
5. Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album
6. Autechre - Tri Repitae
7. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
8. Skinny Puppy - Rabies
9. Mean Beat Manifesto - Actual Sounds and Voices
10. Godspeed You Black Emperor - F♯A♯∞
11. Animal Collective - Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
(for the longest time...it was just this black CD I found on the floor of the radio station at UMBC, I had no idea who this was for a few years...)
12. The Cure - Pornography
13. Slowdive - Just for a Day (lost it i think)
14. Prurient - The History of Aids CD
15. Pansonic - Kesto
16. The Mountain Goats - All Hail West Texas
17. Arcade Fire - Funeral
18. Sigur Ros - Aegis Byrunti
(Met my wife around this time...she got me to really listen to sigur ros)
19. Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over the Sea
20. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
After which I listened to Led Zepplin's "Physical Graffitti" and was blown away...wow!
Also Muslimgauze - Farouk Ejineer must fit in there somewhere!?
I admit the Prurient was a progression into experimental and noise...though the muslimgauze album and the subsequent collection I had, it showed me, nay it was an epiphany of the possiblity of folk (field recordings of palestinian and middle eastern music) and electronic expression with pure passion, that is the vitae that binds us as humans to the living universe...that is the passion (put it under number 8 & 1/2 like the Felini movie).
Anyway, each number can be its own blog...but I think I'll spare the bloat, as I should sleep by now.
So I thank my foils that I am inspired to chronicle a bit on this piece of internet. And to all that may cross this path in the infinite possibility of possiblities beyond this dimention: keep listening, to the passing of time!
I invite everyone to make a music list like this, post it as a comment, or at least link me to it. I look forward to experiencing your autobiodiscography
Jesus Christ Alex, you should cut that picture and label it as NSFW.