Monday, February 21, 2011

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis

My terrible mashup...please indulge...

My response to the previous response of my previous post, I don't have much to write, that is time right now, to think and write other than in school and career development things that aren't related to music.

A mash-up of the bro-step power-ballad that is Nero's "Innocence" with Burial's "Fostercare".

I didn't have time to actually try to remix these.  This is a very primitive youtube program at  Though the different periods at which each piece repeats make the combo interesting when you let it run over 10 mins.

Here are the youtube's for reference if you have a better outlet...please share (note the disparity in hits). Also increase the burial track's volume twofold to what you set nero's track volume to:

That is all...